Generating constant income imperative for successful farming

If anybody asks a farmer what he considers successful farming is all about, the answer in all probability would be low investment and a good, steady income.

“It could be a small farmer or a farmer with 10 acres; the bottom line is generating revenue from his crop. And modern technologies should aid him in improving income and his standard of living. Take the case of Mr. Umesh, a small farmer with 2.5 acres — he earns a net annual income of Rs. 4.8 lakh,” says Dr. Sreenath Dikshit, Zonal Project Director, ICAR, Bangalore.

Role model

The synergistic integration and optimal utilisation of resources by Mr. Umesh, hailing from Kalya village of Magadi taluk of Ramangara District, Karnataka, is one such role model for the impoverished farmers of the State.

“In fact, persons like Umesh could be the right model for farmers of Karnataka facing the scenario of low yield and income coupled with unpredictable rainfall,” says Dr. Dikshit....................Read more


Source web page: The Hindu

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